Juv180 : Leiden, Officina Plantiniana, for Christophe Plantin in Antwerp, 1585, and for Franciscus Raphelengius in Leiden, 1586
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius
First edition printed in Leiden
- Title page (Leiden issue), A2r, A4r — photos from Princeton
Download full description (PDF): Juv180.pdf
Collation: 24°: A–G8; 56 leaves, pp. [1–2] 3–111 [1].
Paper: Royal
(estimated sheet size: 60 x 42 cm; largest recorded page size: 11.5 x 7 cm).
2.33 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: page catchwords; signed $–$ 5.
Selected references: Morgan 193; Ruelens & Backer, p. 278; Voet, no. 1496; David J. Shaw, ‘Editions of the classics printed by the Officina Plantiniana in 24° format’, De Gulden Passer. Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap, 89, no. 2 (2011) 249–255; USTC 402085; USTC 429093; USTC 427565; The Plantin Press Online, 1496 and 2455
Copies seen: Antwerp: MPM; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; London: British Library; Princeton (NJ): UL
Other copies recorded: Dilbeek: Cultura Fonds; Naples: BN; New Haven: Yale UL; Rostock: UB
Total number of copies recorded: 8
Other editions printed in the same year: 1585 and 1586.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
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