Juv179 : Antwerp, Christophe Plantin, 1585
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius, with the notes of the 1524 Curio edition, and T. Poelman’s Annotationes
- Title page, A4R, M4v, M5r, M8v — from Regensburg digitised copy
Download full description (PDF): Juv179.pdf
Collation: 16°: A–M8; 96 leaves, pp. [1–2] 3–‘192’ [=202].
Paper: Median
(estimated sheet size: 56 x 34 cm; largest recorded page size: 12 x 7.5 cm).
6 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: page catchwords; signed $–$ 5.
Selected references: Morgan 194; Belgica typographica, i, 1685; Voet no. 1495; USTC 406716; USTC 407262; The Plantin Press Online 1495
Copies seen: Antwerp: MPM; Brussels: BR; London: British Library; Munich: BSB
Other copies recorded: Amsterdam: UL; Berlin: SB; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Chicago: Newberry Library; Copenhagen: KB; Halle: ULB; Hanover (NH): Dartmouth College; Jena: ULB; Leeuwarden: Buma Bibliotheek; Livorno: BCom; New Haven: Yale UL; New York: Columbia UL; Regensburg: SB; Rostock: UB; St Andrews: UL; Stockholm: KB; Zürich: ZB
Total number of copies recorded: 21
Digitised copies: Regensburg: http://www.mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11088993-5;
BSB: http://www.mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10171061-0
Other editions printed in the same year: 1585.
This edition reprinted from Juv173.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
Commentaries included in this edition: Curio's notes; Theodore Poelman.
Editors involved in producing this edition: Theodore Poelman.
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