Juv178 : Paris, for Jérôme de Marnef and the widow of Guillaume Cavellat, 1583
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius
- title page — Beinecke Library
Download full description (PDF): Juv178.pdf
Collation: 16°: a–k8; 80 leaves, pp. [1] 2–159 [1].
Paper: Median
(estimated sheet size: 54 x 36 cm; largest recorded page size: 11.5 x 8 cm).
5 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: quire catchwords; signed $–$ iiij.
Selected references: Morgan 191; Imprimeurs & libraires parisiens, Fascicule Cavellet, Paris, 1986, no. 414; USTC 170681
Copies seen: New Haven: Yale UL; Paris: BNF
Other copies recorded: Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Charleville: BM; Copenhagen: KB; Chicago: Newberry Library; Milan: BAmbrosiana
Total number of copies recorded: 7
Other editions printed in the same year: 1583.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
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