Juv151 : Venice, Hieronymus Scotus, 1549
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius, with the notes of the 1524 Curio edition
- Title page, A2r, I3v, and I4r — from the Houghton Library copy
Download full description (PDF): Juv151.pdf
Collation: 8°: A–H8 I4; 68 leaves, ff. [1–2] 3–67 [1].
Paper: Median
(estimated sheet size: 48 x 35 cm; largest recorded page size: 15.5 x 11 cm).
8.5 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: quire catchwords; signed $–$ iiij.
Selected references: Morgan 161; EDIT16 31750; USTC 836783
Copies seen: Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; New York: PL; London: British Library
Other copies recorded: Amherst (MA): Amherst College; Asti: BAstense; Bergamo: BCiv; Berkeley (CA): UC Berkeley Library; Bisacquino: BCom; Bologna: Archiginnasio; Camerino: BCom; Chicago: Newberry Library; Como: B del Collegio dei Padri Somaschi; Cosenza: BCiv; Ferrara: BCom; Ferrara: BSem arcivescovile; Florence: B Riccardiana; Gorizia: BStatale; La Spezia: BCiv; Lugo (Galicia), Mondoñedo: Seminario Diocesano; Mercogliano: BStatale del Monumento nazionale di Montevergine; Milan: BAmbrosiana; Milan: BCom (Palazzo Sormani); New Haven: Yale UL; Padua: BSeminario Vescovile (2 copies); Palermo: B dell'Istituto di astronomia; Palermo: B dell'Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici; Pescara: BProvinciale; Piacenza: B della Curia vescovile; Pisa: B della Scuola normale superiore; Pordenone: BSem vescovile; Ravenna: BCom; Rome: BAngelica; Rome: BNC; Stanford (CA): Stanford UL; Urbana (IL): Illinois UL; Venice: BMarciana; Venice: B dell'Istituto ellenico; Verona: BCiv
Total number of copies recorded: 39
Other editions printed in the same year: 1549.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
Commentaries included in this edition: Curio's notes.
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