Juv142 : Paris, Robert Estienne, 1544 / 3 January 1545
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius
First edition with the Estienne imprint
First edition to include a list of variant readings
- Title page, a2r, colophon, variants — from the Houghton Library copy
Download full description (PDF): Juv142.pdf
Collation: 8°: a–i8 k4; 76 leaves, pp. [1] 2–150 [2], misnumbering 78 as ‘7’.
Paper: Narrow median and Narrow super-median
(estimated sheet size: 48 x 38 cm and 40 x 32 cm; largest recorded page size: 17 x 11 cm and 14 x 9 cm).
9.5 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: no catchwords; signed $.i.–$.iiij..
Selected references: Renouard, Estienne, p. 64; Morgan 149; Adams J-778; Armstrong, Estienne, p. 103. F. Schreiber, The Estiennes, p. 209; USTC 149250
Copies seen: Cambridge: UL; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Durham: UL; London: British Library; London: British Library; New York: Morgan Library; Oxford: Bodleian; Oxford: All Souls; Oxford: Worcester College
Other copies recorded: Aberystwyth: NLib; Bayeux: BM; Berkeley (CA): UC Berkeley Library; Berlin: SB; Bologna: BU; Brussels: BR (2 copies); Cambridge: UL; Cambridge: UL; Cambridge: UL; Cambridge: Clare College; Cambridge: Trinity College; Châlons-en-Champagne: BM; Chapel Hill (NC): U of North Carolina; Chicago: Newberry Library; Davis (CA): UC Davis Libraries; Dublin: Marsh’s Library; Dublin: Edward Worth Library; Edinburgh: NLS; Eton College; Glasgow: UL; Göttingen: SUB; The Hague: KB; Hamilton (ON): McMaster UL; Jena: ULB; Leeuwarden: Buma Bibliotheek; Lincoln: Cathedral; Madrid: BNE (2 copies); Manchester: JRyUL; Mainz: Gb Museum; Marseille: BM; Montréal: McGill UL; New Haven: Yale UL; Niort: BM; Orléans: BM; Paris: BNF (2 copies); Paris: Arsenal (2 copies); Paris: Ste Geneviève; Paris: Mazarine (3 copies); Périgueux: BM; Philadelphia (PA): Library Company; Roanne: BM; Rome: BNC; San Marino (CA): Huntington Library; Toulouse: BM; Urbana (IL): Illinois UL (2 copies); Vienna: NB (2 copies); Westminster Abbey (2 copies)
Total number of copies recorded: 67
Other editions printed in the same year: 1544 and 1545.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
Editors involved in producing this edition: Robert Estienne.
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