Juv121 : Venice, Melchior Sessa, 25 May 1531
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal and Persius, with a Poeta ad lectorem, and Crinitus's Vitae
- Title page, A5r, I5r, colophon and device — from the Columbia UL copy
Download full description (PDF): Juv121.pdf
Collation: 8°: A–K8; 80 leaves, numbered [1] 2–80.
Paper: Narrow median
(estimated sheet size: 44 x 35 cm; largest recorded page size: 15.5 x 10 cm).
10 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: quire catchwords; signed $–$ iiii.
Selected references: Sander 3741; Morgan 128; EDIT16 29946; USTC 836776
Copies seen: Chicago: Newberry Library; New York: Columbia UL
Other copies recorded: Ancona: BCom; Ascoli Piceno: BCom; Bergamo: BCiv (2 copies); Bologna: Seminario arcivescovile; Brescia: BQuerini; Cambridge (MA): Harvard UL; Camerino: BCom; Casale Monferrato: BCiv; Como: BCom; Faenza: BCom; Florence: BMarucelliana; Grottaferrata: BStatale; Los Angeles: UCLA; Mondovì: BCiv; Pesaro: BOliveriana; Ravenna: BCom; Rimini: BCiv; Venice: BCorrer; Venice: BQuerini Stampalia
Total number of copies recorded: 22
Other editions printed in the same year: 1531.
This edition reprinted from Juv108.
Other authors contained in this edition: Persius.
Authors of preliminary and other ancillary matter: Petrus Crinitus.
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