Juv107 : Lyon, for Simon Vincent, 3 October 1523
A wiki of editions of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
David Shaw
Juvenal, with the commentaries of Jodocus Badius and Antonius Mancinellus, revised by A. Petrus
- title page, a1r, colophon — from Case Western Reserve UL copy, Cleveland (OH)
Download full description (PDF): Juv107.pdf
Collation: 4°: A6 a–s8; 150 leaves, ff. [6] I–CXLIIII..
Paper: Super-median
(estimated sheet size: 54 x 38 cm; largest recorded page size: 25 x 18 cm).
37.5 edition sheets.
Catchwords and signatures: no catchwords; signed $–$ iiij.
Selected references: Renouard, Badius, ii, 542, no. 14; Panzer, vii, 334, 479; von Gültlingen, ii, 63: 159; USTC 155592
Copies seen: Cleveland (OH): Case Western Reserve UL; Leeds: Brotherton Library; London: British Library; Oxford: Bodleian; Princeton: UL
Other copies recorded: Cologne: USB; Cuenca: Seminario Mayor o Conciliar de San Julián; Edinburgh: NLS; Girtona: BDioces; La Rochelle: BM; London: British Library; Madrid: BNE; Manchester: JRyUL; Montréal: McGill UL; Munich: BSB; New Haven: Yale UL; New York: Columbia UL; Oxford: Manchester College; Palencia: Convento de San Pablo; Pamplona: BU; Philadelphia (PA): Library Company; Saint-Brieuc: BM; Salamanca: BU; Urbana (IL): Illinois UL
Total number of copies recorded: 23
Other editions printed in the same year: 1523.
This edition reprinted from Juv091.
Commentaries included in this edition: Jodocus Badius; Antonius Mancinellus.
Authors of preliminary and other ancillary matter: Antonius Petrus.
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